
Hello! My name is Muyi Liu, go by Maureen sometimes (if you cannot sure your pronunciation of my name is perfect correct, Maureen is the familiar one. I’m going to introduce myself a little bit: I am currently studying master in computer science and earned Bachelor of Science with Distinct in Actuarial Science at the University of Delaware. Right now, I’m interning at the Goldman Sachs’ network engineering team, unfortunately, I cannot put more information publicity due to firm’s policy, but I’d love to say that I’m having a lot of fun of this internship, especially enjoying myself to build up the project step by step (If you'd like to know more about me, you can try to contact my through the “Contact Form”, I’d like to send you a resume of mine, or I presume you already had one). Moreover, I’m doing a research on blockchain with our team which it combines with federate learning and machine learning. I’ll try to include more details in the research section of my portfolio.

A little bit more about my personal life. I originally come from Chongqing, China and love spicy food! I also love boxing A LOT! Even though I have to take a break from this hobby for a while since the pandemic, I’ll back on track on September.

Thank you for reading this small introduction, and it is great to meet with you!

Complier Contruction

Due to the unvierstiy's rule, I cannot upload or show our original code

Network Jeopardy Protocol

My teammate, Xihan Qin, and I built this project together. This final project for course, CISC650 Computer Network, indicates how the TCP working with two servers and one master


I'll keep tracking all the information of blockchain research, but for this moment, I'm still trying to find the best way to present our group's work. I'll keep update!
